If you follow me on Instagram (if not, please do @livlight_), you know how much I love making cheese boards. I usually make large, elaborate boards for big groups of friends, but then March 2020 happened. While we were on home orders, I started making smaller grazing boards just for my family and then continued to do so as we began to gather in smaller groups of friends. I often get asked for tips to making a great board, so here are my top five! I also created this video tutorial that I hope you’ll check out where I show exactly what I use and how I assemble my boards.
1. Use a mix of cheeses (sheep, goat, cow, vegan, soft/hard, strong/mild, etc). If you’re not sure, the cheese monger is always happy to help! Also, cut cheeses in a different shapes and sizes. I find people are more likely to dig in when at least some pieces are cut up.
2. Include a variety of crackers or bread and always have a gluten free option (I love rice crackers and @marysgonecrackers )
3. Don’t forget about your plant based or dairy-free pals. I love @treelinecheese vegan cheese and always include lots of fruits, veggies and nuts.
4. Shoot for a good mixture of sweet (fresh fruit, dried fruit, jam) and salty (nuts, olives, crackers) and include lots of different textures.
5. Fill your board up and use as much color as possible!
Hope you’ll give this a try and make sure to tag me in all your board creations @livlight_ and #livlight.